We have changed our bank details, please make sure you have the new details below
Telephone / Internet Banking payments will take 3 working days to be applied to your
You can also make a payment to Next from your bank account using the following
Account Name: NEXT PLC
Bank Account Number: 48917958
Sort Code: 60-00-01
Reference: Your Customer Number
Your customer number can be found on top of your Next statement, delivery note or any
correspondence received from Next.
On most online banking services you will already find Next has been set up as a payee.
Please ensure you quote your customer number.
If you are abroad and not paying in GBP (Great British Pounds) then please use a
currency converter to ensure you do not under or overpay.
There may be a charge for this service, so it is advisable that you check this with your
bank before making the transaction.