We’re sorry you’re thinking of closing your account. We would hate to lose you as a customer and want to know if there's anything we can do to change your mind.
Click here to view our contact options.
If you still decide you would like to close your account, there are a few steps that we need you to take:
- Returns/Refunds: Are you returning any items or have returns that haven't been credited/refunded to your account yet? Please allow sufficient time to process any returns.
- Outstanding Orders: Please check if there are any orders you have not received yet. If you still want to receive them, you need to wait for them to be delivered and paid for. However, if you want to cancel your order, you can do that via 'My Account.' For more information on cancelling an order, please click here.
- Account Balance (nextPay or Pay in 3 account holders only): Please ensure that there is no outstanding balance on your account. You will need to pay off any outstanding balance or allow for any returns to be credited to your account. You will also need to wait until a statement showing a zero balance has been received.
Once you have completed the above steps, please contact us via email using our contact form, or chat with one of our advisors here. Alternatively, you can call us on 0333 777 8000*.
*For call charges, please contact your service provider.